Mrs. Rabia Begam, a 40 years old farm woman from Sarongdeopur village of Karimganj district has adopted Double Cropping System along with Integrated Farming System (IFS) by incorporating different components of crops and livestock. Earlier she was solely growing mono-crop like paddy by following traditional farming system and kept her land fallow till next season. After coming in touch with KVK, Karimganj and with the scientific intervention, she has started the practices of Double Cropping System i.e. “Paddy followed by Rajmah” with efficient utilization of resources and increases the income. For nutritional security and diet diversification, she established 200sqm Nutritional Gardens at her backyard to meet round the year vegetable requirements of her family. Later she integrated improved livestock and fishery component along with horticultural crops and provides additional income for her livelihood. Mrs. Rabia is now earning approximately Rs. 1,87,000.00 from an area of 1.5 ha by integrating different component (agriculture, horticulture, fish production, dairy farming, backyard poultry and duck farming) together which provide her stable income and improve living standard of her family. Mrs. Rabia determinations help her to adopt the innovative and sustainable farm practices within a short stretch of time and area which can be role model for the emerging Farming community. During the last three (2020-21 to 2022-23) years study it has shown that the income of Rabia Begum has increased around or more than double.
Doubling Farmers Income, Integrated Farming System, Nutritional Garden, Sarongdeupur Village, Karimganj District