Volume 2 Issue 5 (2021)


  • Low Cost Soilless Crop Production Using Matric Irrigation System for Problem Soil Areas

  • Sherene Jenita Rajammal T, Arulmozhiselvam A,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2021 | Pages : 0139-0140

    Tamil Nadu has the waste land area of about 8.25 lakh hectares. Utilization of these wastelands with conserved water use under matric suction irrigation system using soilless container media to grow vegetables will be a boon to the farmers. Organic substrates and industrial by products have the potential to support plant growth as growing media. Here conservation of water is achieved, because for growing a vegetable crop only 80 mm of water is required per season. Similarly, enhanced fertilizer use efficiency is achieved through the use of slow release fertilizers/ water soluble fertilizers. Horticultural crops play a vital role in completing the problems of malnutrition by contributing to national income by sharing almost one fifth of the total income from agricultural produce. Growing horticultural crops generates employment in rural areas. By this method, problematic salt affected areas can very well be used for cultivation of vegetables in containers laid on open land, alternative to conventional soil tilling and sowing methods. By managing the cultivation of crops, farmers will be benefitted by gaining experience in the new technology of efficient nutrient and water management as well as crop production and protection aspects of soilless container media cultivation.

  • Production of Banana (Grand Naine) Through Tissue Culture Technology

  • Tribhuwan Kumar, Awadhesh Kumar Pal, Ravi Shankar Singh, Deepak Kumar Patel,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2021 | Pages : 0141- 0144

    Tissue culture is a recent and advanced technology that has proved as a spring board for the multiplication and regeneration of most of the horticultural crops, particularly, banana. The traditional production systems of banana often fall short to commercial demands; therefore, there is need to produce tissue cultured plantlets to meet the demand of virus free and true to type plantlets. Among the various varieties of bananas, the Grand Naine is a high yielding one and is gaining more popularity. Banana can be harvested after 10 to 11 months from the tissue cultured raised plantlets by adopting good agronomic practice and integrated pest & disease management. This Popular article incorporates importance of Grand naine variety of banana, involved techniques in their tissue culture and agronomic practice.

  • Seri-Business: New Emerging Entrepreneurship Model in Sericulture

  • Naveed Hamid, Aina Bhat,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2021 | Pages : 0145-0148

    Sericulture is a labor-intensive and commercially desirable agro-cottage, forest-based industry that falls under the cottage and small-scale market. It offers revenue and jobs to the vulnerable in rural areas, especially small-scale farmers, other vulnerable and poorer members of society. In Jammu and Kashmir UT, sericulture holds a special place. This is India's only conventional Univoltine belt capable of processing silk with qualities equal to the finest imported raw silk of standard quality available on foreign markets. Silk worm rearing offers part-time jobs to around 30,000 households, in addition to providing permanent employment to 5,000 people in the public sector. India's silk and silk-related exports totaled US$ 291.36 million in 2018-19 and US$ 243.52 million in FY20 (till December 2019). Source: CSB Bangalore. Sericulture, as an agro-based company, has a major impact on rural people's economic prospects. The industry encompasses a wide range of on-farm and non-farm activities, necessitating a wide range of expertise, as well as a varied population from all walks of life are brought together to work on silk processing. To inspire young people to engage in Seri-entrepreneurship ventures, a variety of methods has been used. Many young people today have business ideas, but only a small percentage of them have the capacity and opportunity to transform such ideas into profitable enterprises.so in this industry there is large scope of entrepreneurship development in India and J&K UT.


  • Intervention of KVK in Animal Husbandry Results Increased Farm Income and Livelihood of North and Middle Andaman Farmers

  • Lal S.V, Ramakrishna Y, Sujatha T, Jai Sunder, Kasinath B.L, Chakurkar E.B,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2021 | Pages : 0149-0153

    Knowledge level and the production cost associated with the technology plays a vital role in adoption of technology by the farmers. This is more evident with small and marginal farmers with small land holdings and poor resources in the region of North and Middle Andaman. These farmers are always not ready to invest more in enterprises fearing the risk associated. Hence, farmer’s friendly technology with low investment and environment friendly technology find place for implementation and are successful in this region. Climate of North and Middle Andaman district is tropical humid with annual rainfall upto 3300mm. Due to incessant rain and unpredictable weather, farmers grow paddy in kharif and vegetable and pulses in rabi season in low land and plantation crops in hilly land. Most of the farmers rear livestock for consumption in home and additional income to family, and also as insurance in situation of crop loss. Lack of knowledge, unavailability of improved breed, high cost of livestock feed and non-availability, improper health management, and unpredictable weather conditions are some of the factors responsible for slow pace of growth in animal husbandry in the region. Keeping in view the challenges faced by farming community suitable low cost intervention by the Krishi Vigyan Kendra like backyard rural poultry farming, day old chicks production using mini-hatching units, improved pig farming practices, supplementation of chelated mineral mixture in dairy ration, and deworming in goat were adopted by the farmers and significantly increased income of farmers.

  • Variety Utkarsha Boost Green Gram Production Through Cluster Frontline Demonstrations

  • Rupesh S. Khedkar, Pawan M Chaudhari, Vijay A. Shinde,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-May-2021 | Pages : 0154-0157

     The demonstrations of green gram on cluster basis were implemented by Farm Science Centre, Malegaon in village Vaygaon of Baglan block during kharif seasons. The results revealed that  improved practice- seed Utkarsha 10kg, micronutrient-Zinc sulphate  25kg, weedicide-Quizalofop ethyl 5% @ 750ml, insecticide-Dimethoate 30% EC @ 500ml, fungicide- Sulphure 80% WP @ 1250g per hectare recorded highest average seed yield 8.94q/ha whereas in farmers practice it was 6.20q/ha. There was 30.64% increase in yield observed over farmers practice. Similar results were observed in gross and net monetary return which was rupees 39321.9 & 24007.9 and for control 27262.4 & 12448.5 per hectare. Demonstrations shown higher benefit cost ratio (2.59) over control (1.85). Demonstrations concluded that farmers need to be encouraged to use improved technology to increase the production of pulses, which is used in the cluster frontline demonstrations. This intervention not only showed good income but also made seed available to the locality to make the crop more popular in the nearby villages.