Volume 3 Issue 8 (2022)


  • Selection of Deoni Cattle for Milking Characters

  • Prajakta Jadhav, Sandeep Komatwar,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-Aug-2022 | Pages : 0462-0464

    Selection of animals during purchase is a very important part of any dairy business. We select animals based on their performance ant the performance is reflected by the records, for a successful selection program, record keeping is very important. A dairy entrepreneur/ breeder should take some points into consideration while selection of cattle. There are number of specification for choosing the exotic animals for dairy purpose, however, choosing of animals for dairying from the indigenous draft type breeds pose some very typical considerations. Some of the specifications during selection of Deoni cattle have been discussed herein.

  • Pesticide use in India - Current Trends and Future Perspectives

  • Darshana Brahma, Vidya Madhuri, Praveen K V, Rajna S,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-Aug-2022 | Pages : 0465-0470

    India’s agricultural yields have improved due to the adoption of intensive agriculture practices that gained popularity after the green revolution. Interestingly, the yield loss estimates due to pests also showed a substantial increase between the early 1960s and early 2000s. The adoption of monoculture of commercial crops and intensive agricultural practices are the prime reasons for higher pest attacks. The yield loss due to pests, which was about 25 per cent in fruits, 18 per cent in cotton, and 10 per cent each in rice and sugarcane in the early 1960s, took a rapid stride to reach the level of 50 per cent in cotton, 30 per cent in sorghum and millets, 25 per cent in rice and 20 per cent in sugarcane. The situation thus warrants the use of suitable pesticides to control crop loss.

  • Genetic Improvement of Cucurbitaceous Vegetables through Speed Breeding Approaches

  • Anbukarasi V, Dhandapani M, Prabhu M, Pugalendhi L,

    OPEN ACCESS | Published on : 31-Aug-2022 | Pages : 0471-0474

     Cucurbits largely consist of economically and nutritionally important vegetables and their genetic improvement can be enhanced and intensified by speed breeding approaches viz., shortening life cycles by precocious floral induction and anther culture based double haploid techniques.